With the current environmental conditions, timber species that were previously in abundant supply have become scarce. As such, the cost of timber building supplies has been on a steady rise, which can make constructing your structure extremely expensive. Nonetheless, few materials can provide you with the aesthetic appeal or durability that timber provides. If you are intent on using lumber, you may want to consider constructing using reclaimed timber. So what do you need to know about salvaged timber building supplies?

Pros of reclaimed lumber

Reclaimed timber is eco-friendly: With natural timber resources steadily declining, more and more people are choosing to make eco-conscious decisions when building new structures. Reclaimed timber is one of these solutions. By choosing to use salvaged wood, you are playing a role in the prevention of de-forestation. The higher the demand for reclaimed lumber, the more the reduction in the demand for virgin timber, which would boost the growth of these natural resources. Moreover, little energy is required in the manufacture of this lumber since reclaimed timber does not typically need further processing.

Reclaimed timber is hard wearing: A little-known fact about reclaimed timber is that it can be more durable and resilient when compared to virgin timber. This type of lumber is usually salvaged from old buildings, ships and more. These structures were built with mature timber that had gotten the chance to age to its full potential. As a result, reclaimed timber is often much stronger than virgin timber. This strength makes it harder for reclaimed timber to succumb to splitting, warping and other structural problems. Secondly, the more mature the timber is, the more weathering it has been exposed to. Therefore, it would be more resilient to pest infestations, moisture and a host of other environmental conditions.

Cons of reclaimed timber

With all its benefits, reclaimed lumber does have a few drawbacks that you should be aware of. One thing to note with this type of timber is that it would be rare to find similar planks of wood. Since the timber will have been exposed to different rates of weathering, the grain will differ and will not provide you with uniformity. You should also bear in mind that reclaimed timber is more likely to have flaws and imperfections in the form of indentations and scars on the surface of the wood grain. These flaws will typically be due to nails or other fasteners that were embedded in the timber.

For additional information on your options, contact a company that sells building supplies.
